Kidderminster & District Youth Trust was founded in 1966 by Kidderminster Mayor Charles Talbot MBE, with the simple aim of 'supporting and empowering young people to reach their full potential', written in our founding document this remains our aim over 50 years later.
KDYT support young people aged 10-18 years (25 with additional needs) in the Wyre Forest District.
We run 3 youth clubs a week. ‘Fusion’ is for young people with additional needs, ‘Youthy’ is an open access youth club, and ‘Flannel’ is a youth group for young people who identify as LGBQT+.
Our Community Youth Workers work in the most deprived areas of Wyre Forest, taking KDYT services to young people who may not be accessing services but who need them the most.
We provide a mentoring service, work in most schools in Wyre Forest and support local partner agencies, to ensure that we work together for benefit of young people.
The KDYT Detached Team work throughout Wyre Forest engaging 100’s of young people throughout the year, offering support, guidance and activities.
Everything we do at KDYT is co-produced with young people, to help us with this, we run a successful Young Leaders project which has seen a young person receive a Diana Award for their work and another young person supported to become a fully qualified Youth Worker.
We own Youth House based in the heart of the community, which has a sports hall, recording studio, boxing gym, music room, youth zone, 1-1 rooms and a kitchen. These facilities attract over a 1000 people from across the community to the building each week.
KDYT services engage over 200 young people on an average week, with considerably more during the Easter and Summer holiday period.
We operate a ‘No Wrong Door’ approach, if a young person accesses KDYT for support they will get that support, even if we do not have the answers they need, we will go through the journey to access support with the young person, importantly, our work is not time limited, young people tell us this is a vital element of the work we do.